Here i am 12 am writing on this blog. Here i am thinking I'm going to write a blog called ware are the Christen and write as i start logging on i know its not what i should write about. I had examples and everything, well another day i guess. I guess this is what is being laid on my heart.
THe rock. The rock is tall the rock is high. But this rock is in the light the sun it feals so nice. It feals good to sit on its confertable. Some of you might now what im tlakinga obut others of you are thinkg you are crazy are you realy starting a blog with the rock. Yes yes i am. I am one who loves pictures i love wheni get images to go with alessiones someonhtig to learn. Any way the rock. I ahve to say i didnt make this one up a frine dof mine did but i love way thi anoligy works. Some of us have lived our hole lifes on the rock. Now you might mbes ainyg ok what is the rock. THe rock my friends is our confert zone. Whare we tell God i can only go thiss far only this far. The rock is ware we are confertable ware we feal saffe ware we cna say hay igot this im ok im safe. The rokc my firned is our confert zone. Whare evertihng in the world is altest going kinda our way and we feal like we fit. ware we feal safe. Some of youi might now what im tlakingaoubt you like fealing confertable. I mena ill be the first to admit i like being confertable and for em one way to make sure im confertable is to be waring my hat. Yes laddys and gentlemin the write of this blog who is way ofver the age for a blankey ahs substituted a blanky for wareing a baseball cap. I littel ware a baseball cap when ever i cna the only itme you wil kech me with out one is when i am at school, in sunday morning service, or at some nice event. I use my hat to hid my face wheni dont want the world to come in. I use tmy hat to remind me im safe. I use my hat to make my self feal ok. To some of you you are saying oh my lanta you are so stinkin lame. Before you say that thoguh think what is you;re confert item what makes you feal safe?
Ok so some of you are thinkg hay whats you;re piont whast wrong with the confert zone.Ok here is the thing with my hat my onfert item is this I have a tendincey to pull it over my face when im tlkaingaoubt my slef i let it hid me so that who ever im tlkaing to cnat tell how much im hurting inside how much this killls me how much i hate this. And that rokc it feals good so good and so warm., but both of thos things are pulling there rath and taking way waht we could experins. See i have this saying I probly picked it up ofmr someone along the line but hers ther htins You ahve the confert zone and thne you got the God zone. THey are completly diffrent THe God zone is not confertalbe the God szone is caoing you to have to jump out of you;re confert zone. See that rok that rock we sit on Is write in the midle of our confert zone. Its write in the dead center and all the water around it is th God zone. Some of us stand on that rokc nad say no its to confertable i dont want o move aka i like being top dog God i want contorl i dont want you to have contorl or I dont know how to swim aka God i dont trust you i dont knw waht ahad and that scares me, but i dont want to trust you or No i itnhk ill hjaust stay hear aka Im a laze bum and could care less what you wnat for me God. Al l of thos are trick things to slide into.
So its to confertable or realy. No God i want control, I cna handle my life. Listne im going to put this in the nices way posible. YOu are a hopless sinner who sohuld be killed. Hum that wasnt very nice, oh well. Listen Im ahopless siner wheo sohuld be kiled you;re a hopless sinner who souhld be killed dude ever one is a hopples siner that sohuld be killed. I odnt care if you;re a stay at home mom or a masmerder. You are a hopless sinner who should be killed. And you you have the guts to say no i got tihs. Man you cant evne save you;re self. YOu do get that iwt hout God you woudnt evne be hear wright? Adn you have the adasity the guts, the idocricey to say No i can do this on my own i dont need you God. What? Ok im goign to lay this out flat no no you cnat do tihs on oyu;re own. You know what doing it on you're own is going to put you? Its going to put you into a hole that you dont know how to get out of. Its going ot put you in the most hurtful place you cna be. Listn listn, you cant do tihs on you;re own you jsut cant. How menay tirm have you said you can do something on you;re own even the simplest things nad you messed up? I know i have done it time and times agen. The thing is we nat do it on our own. And my firned its time for you to get of that rokc and let God have control.
So you cant swim? Aka God Im scared I don't know what you are going to do and what will happen if i jump in that water. Im not sure i trust you. Any way God I'm not good enough Ouch see that one thats the one i struggle with. You know it was the end of my 8th grade year and my parents told me i was moving. I was mad at God and spent my first few mouth her miserable. THen something kinda crazy happened i started getting involved wit my Church , i joined the debate team at my school(don't bash it till you try it) and started getting friends. Now not even half a year latter i find my self involved in my youth group and loving it i find my self spending more and more time at church. You know We might not see ware we're going we might not know, but God does. THe thing is we don't know what is going to happened next we don't know what tomorrow will being, but God does. I know you don't know what will happen if you jump of that rock and i know its the stinking scariest thing in the world to jump of but the thing is you couldn't be in better hands. See nobody lover you more in the hole intier world. He dosn't want to hurt you. THe thing is that you cant be in better hands then in the hands of the Dude who made you. But um hello me yeah write. Mark Hall has an assume testimony. He is the lead singer of the band Casting Crowns and if you haven't herd his testimony there is a link at the bottom of this blog. Any way he has a part in it that He is talking about how he is saying things he's not smart enough to say and that there are days that he is sitting in his office saying " wEll this is it there is some comity in the church meeting write now and there going to come in her and say Brother and you know its bad wen they say brother we don't know what you;re doing and we don't think you know ether. And in those times God reminds me Mark If i had wanted someone els i would have called someone els Now you get up there dyslexic boy and you show the world what i can do with someone one who will let me use them" The thing is God is calling you off that rock with something and he is saying Name here if i had wanted someone one els i would have called some one els. Now yo get up there and show the world what i can do with someone one that will let me use them. Listen If God wanted someone els He would call someone els but hers the deal He is calling you. Not someone els. Its you he wants.
THen ther is the well I am cponfuey up here and i dont relay fell like being unconfertable. So I'm a soccer player. And low and behold im a Goly. Well the summer between 7th and 8th grade year i want to soccer camp at my school. Well we did goaly traing and let me tell you myfrined golay traning hurts like nobodys bisness diving for like 15 minets is not a fun thing to do incase you wanted to know. But you knwo what it paied of that year our team was undefeted and had 3 goals i think scored on us the hole year. Now that isnt due to me at all but when i did touch the ball that traing paid of. The thing is the things that are god for you are never that conftertable sorry ther not. I mnea come on realy if you think aoubt it anyinthg that is good for you huryts. And the thing is yeah it might not be the most conffertable thing in the world to jump of that rock but it is good for you. See its a good thing to let the God of the uivers the God who made you control you;re life. Yeah i know crazy consept write I mena its jsut out of this world. No not realy. But the thing is yeha it mightr be unconfterable a first or foe a long tim but the thing is its good for you its waht God wants to sue you for and His will is way better nth eoyu;re will for you;re life sorry but it is.
You know i dont know what you're exuse is. You might have one i havent talked about. But the thing is i cna garinty you this even if jumping of that rokc is unconfrtable, enve if you are scerd, enve if you dont think you are suted for it even if you tihnk you should be incontorl, you wont regret it. Ok go bakc with me to the time of midle school. Ok 7th grade first retre first camp i have ever ever been to.And i lived in Minssota and it was Feb. Ok so hears the deal By Feb ther is like tons of ice and everthing and its sitnkin frezzing cold. So i was up on the retre our band fomr our youth group was blaying up ther so it was iwked fun. Any way So saterday we are hanign out adn i see this thing the poler dip. Here is what it is the litterly cut a hole in the ice with a chain saw and thn thes two guys drop you in it let you get submerged adn thne yank you out. Thne you run oyu;re butt of to the sona so you dont die. Any way i discided i wnated to do it. It was scarey it was cold and oh my lant runing to the sona i felt like my feet might be bledding i was cold. Well I did it the next year i was up there. And guess what i will never ever regret i. It was unconfterable at the time but looking bakc i am so stinki glad i jumped off the ice and into the frezzing cold watter. Guys im not saying the water around this rock is nice and cosey, It could be i dont know. But for soem of us it si goingot e frezzing cold and were scared. Listne toguh once you jump off when the experinse is all done and over with you iwll not regret jumping of that rock. THe thing is when you get out of you;re conffert zone and into the God zone you are giving God the chance to use you you are alowing you;re self to fully dipend on Him adn you are letting Him have the rains and that is the best sdison of you;re life.
I'm scared out of my mind write now. i;m goingot tel lyou the truth. Write now i have God calling me off that rock and calling me to do someinth that i am scared todeath of doing. THat i am scareder thne scared of doing. THinking of it mkaes mty stomic tunr nad me want o jsut crnak up the musice louder so i odnt have to think aoubt it. The thing is i jut i have to jump. My name is on that rock and you knwo i have a firned hw isnt letting me stay up there any longer. THe thing is you guys im scared im so stinkin scared ubt i knw i got to jump i have to jump. God is calling you, He might call you to change the world, help the homples, to feed the hungrey, mbe a missionary, to start a Bible studey, to speak infornt of a group of people, to be loud aobut you;re faith, to tlakto the odl lady across the street, to give you;re tiem, i odnt knw what he is calling you to, all i know is that God is calling you. And my friends its time we all stop sitting on the rock and its itme WE JUMP.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Guess things change
Posted by
The Unknown
9:11 PM
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