Its funny we make the simpleist thing in the worldthe most complicated thing ever. See I itnhk we make God more complicated then he actuly is. IS it reakly that we arnt working ahrd uniuf to concet with God. Is it realy that Gods love ahs concatensions? Is it realy the fact that God has rules and things we must do. Or is it that some whare along the way we tried to make God human and in the prosses we made me so complicated that we lost who God is? Was it realy God pulling away or was it us making Him so compliated we pulled away.
I love the frase “child like faith”. Kids drawing I think is the most beautiful art ever. The thing is there so creative. The draw what they see, but the draw it there way. If they think the fground I blue then that’s what they draw. They don’t care what is thought of thme because of that. They draw what they see as beutful. Some whatre alone the line we loose that some what re along the line we forget that. And a childs love. If any one has aever picked up a crying kid who was just hurt and help thme wall the grapped you around you’re kneeckand they cryed in ur arms. Oh man that that I tkn is one of thos sifght and feallins I will never get tired of fealing. But some wahtre aog the line someone told us that crying was for little kids and that we had to be tuff that we shoudnt cry becosue where big girls and boys whp don’t need to hurt. SO some what we lost that the openis of children. Have you ever seen a child dothe stupid things jumping bieks, jumping out of tress, the things that we now deam stupid and idotic but to thme are the exiting things. I have scares all over em formthos things. Or evern plying imaginar. Oh my have you ever had a little kid pull you over for a tee part or event to show you what they have made up what they have plane out in there head. The imagination everinthg of children someno wahtre we lost that all. A childs love have you ever exprinssed that when the smile art you when they have this love tht thell be mad at you and two mintes latter love you no matter what. And fiath nand trust have you ever listen to a lidl kid whos pairnt left. No dad/mom will come back thell come back. They are relentless they don’t give up the always have fiath. Some whare somhom we lost that we were hurt and we lost that. We lost it all.
You know in Bible times and still now children were looked and are looked down apun. As humans we learn nothing fomr who have nothing to offer. I don’t think that is true. I think children can help lead us backto this God we lsot so long ago this God we almost think we need to jump though hoops for that’s love we some how maid sonditional. Some one we have to reach for instedd of Him touching us.
A childs imagination is amsing its simple and yet its like walking in through the wordrrop in the line the witch nad the wordrop. WE end up in a plave we never though otf one we never dreamed off. One that we cnat conmprhend. See this world is almost magical and yet so beutifu;. I think we try to oftn to put God in a box. We have little imagination andso we put God in this boc that we see he can fit in. The thing is He dsont fit there WE take away chariteristics of him by doing that We take away His essince what He is and can be and we make him to this thing we ca imagin we can make fit us. The thing is its not God who is meiisng a pieace its us and God s the one to fit it we cnat make him t way we ant him or He wont do what he is sopos to do . And we stoped that not Him we did. We have taken this God who made aunivers and put Him into soemtihng we wanted witch donst worck Thats not who God is.
Going bkac ot children and stupid things they do. See God He askes us to do what we think are crazy things. THigns tha tare stapping out of our confert zone, but the ithng is we can learn form Children. There fearless ness for new experinces. They boelve they can fly, and sometime that just what God aske s u pto boleve. I mena He asked Peter to tlwalk on whater. The diffrnetce is we arnt invincible Childran almost alwaysthink they are see we arnt but the God we serve well He is. He we have this irrational fear of give up control. You ever sen a child do what mommy and daddy told thme to do see that, that is givineg up control. Sayig you know better then me mommy and daddy ill go do it. Whare in the sitnkin world did we losoe that cosue we tlel God al lthe tiem no God I know better then you and oyu know what that’s not true. See the thing is thos two combing a fearless and a give up of control are a deadly combo for the devil. If we stop getting scare dso msuch of what God is goingot dowith us and instead we giv eupp control that is the compo of Christnans who change the world change ther cies change ther churches.
Children are funny whe n it oces to love. Oje mint achild is saying you are a dumb dumb I hate you. And then net ther huggin oyu aroeudn the neck and kissing you on the check. See that’s the thing ther love is uncondintinal. What if we had unconditnale lover. WE think to ouer slef all the tiem I cnat love thme beocues……. There this or that or couse im scare of getting hurt. You put smoeithng in the blank. But I can tlel you soetinhg the purist love is the one that sunconidnalt the one that say I don’t care what you look likei don’t care if ill get hurt I don’t care youre race I don’t care how you dress I don’t care anything. See children are funny whent hey love once they love you they love you. There the ones who want you to uck tnhe oin at night just so they vna get that last hug. What if we longed to be able to love ever one. To love always. See that is a deadly combo for thos who wnatt to slam Christan when you thorugh words of hate at some one nad they return it with lover the Bible says theat burnging coles on ther head. What if we stoped orur love with rues and loved unconditionally?
One ihn I hanvet talked aoubt yet is shamless ness and opness of Children. See when yo were little you dint car eaht people though. My older sister newly married when she was little dimand to be called princess Jasmin, her name is ashly. I had asoccer couch once who whne they were little mother let thme go to the bust stop to pick up there siblings with out a shirt on. Her name is Mary. When I was ltlte and was asked what I wanted to be whe I grew up I sad a boy. I have seens grown out of that. The point is all thease crazy storys is that cihldrne don’t car ehwat peoapl think of thme. THell walk out fo th e house ina rian cout and flip flops with striped pains that lime green and think there the cutest thing ever. Some whare though people stated telling us to grow up so we started careing what they though. I;ve learnds omthig I to some poel am offensive see I don’t dress normal to thme I don’t do what they want. This relatinship we have to some is offensive. The croos to some is offensive. And we get scared so we hide it we hid the raltinsihp we have th our Creater nad we loose someinthg. Shamless what if we had shamless fiath in God. WE didn’t care if peole though we were crazy or told us we were ideats But we jut boelved. See shamless fiath is death sentince for thos who want to tell us God isn’t there.
So Children teach us how to kill thos who hate us. No no im just mesisng. But do oyu get it Children ithnk some tiems get what we don’t oaobut God. I was at a retreet with my churc and a paster said him and his wife had tlakth ther young sung to pray dna one night they ahd hHim pray and ther sun prayed “um mommy um daddy um pizzzzzza” They beuty is in the ismplisity. Children understand that God isn’t complicated. God isn’t this thing that is so far away and who has so meany ruels we cnat keep up. The sim[plisity of children inthk unlookes osme of the things we have lost in God. When playing soccer a coush wil tlel you a pass back to defender on oyu;re side isn’t a loose. Ever sen a picture that is huger nad need to step back to look at it? See soemtiesm stepping bkac sint bad sometimes we need to look throught diffrnet eyes even a childs for ust o see what were missing. “Let the little children come ot ME” Lets bore hot coels on the heatds od thos who hate us let us kil the decil let us shock thos who are offended by us. Let us turn bkac to childhood.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Being a Kid
Posted by
The Unknown
11:09 PM
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