So I've been avdinog wrighitng this. Im not sure why mabby im scared of waht ill find. OR mabby the wrods are hard for me to boleve. Im not sure but ether way im wrting it now. So mea nd you both will see ware this takes us.
So i have a couple of friends. And i talk to them a lot. My piont is i also get the pleaser and blessing of listenign to thme (yes i like listening to peopl oh ym lanta)Throguh hearing both of there testimonys i have touhg thats not fair. Some of my frineds have experinced things that they shouldn't have to go through. THey did nothnigh wrong this isnt there falt it's not fair. THey dont diserve this it isnt fair. Witch then bring up the qusiotn ware is God?
I have oftne yelled in into the darknes of ngiht yelling at God. Asking Him why? I have had people tell me thats not fair about me.One of the things i found screaming at Goda obut in past ahs been someitnhg called dyslexia. Yep im a proud LDer well not always so proud but that isnt the piont of this blog. For thos of you who dont know dyslexia is simpley idont spell or read well. Im in the 4th percental for speliing wich means if im in a room with 99 people im the 100 only 4 of them spell worse then me. (Oh that enplanes a lot no wonder i cant read you're blogs half the time) Adn I've gotten amda obut it. I mean i ahve two incredibly inteligent older sisters. And then there is me. And i got amd cosue i wentto a privet school and i never felt likei got the help i needed. WHY HAVE YOU CURSED ME LORD.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." See the thing is Gods got a plane the reosn this is happening is coeus He ahs a plane. Now you tell an angrey 13 yearold that you wont get good roespons. So God wants me to hurt? Ok not exactly i tihnk im goignto pull out the big guns La Bible. (im very um idont knwowaht tonight) In John 9:1-7 it tlakes about a blind man. Adn back in the day if you were blind they hogh you had sinned or mama and daddy had sineed. So the disciples were like so Jesus who sineed? fill us in we want to know. Jesus beignt he cool dude he was said this “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him." Ok run with me for a second you're the blind sitting there envedibley hearing all of this. If iwas him i would jump up and be like waht do oyu mean ever always told me it was cosue of me or my parints what? Do think he was hpapy or mad?
MArk Hall (lead singer of casting crown) His testimony is at the botoom of this blog so if you ever get the chance lsiten to it. Its amsing I love lisintg to it. (sorry i ptomis ill link al lthes waht seem like ransode though together at the end) "satin hits one of thos buts and reminds me here is a million reosn you arnt good unuf ot do that" "I sure could ahve used 2 Coriths 12 theres a duw name paul heard of him? Paul start telling this story that he has butons in the back of his head too. To keep me form beocne consced beoceu of thes serpation revolaiton there was given to me a thorn in my flash and fro 3 days ai begged the Lord to take this fomr me" A thorn in my flesh. A button. YOu knwo waht im tlakingaoubt the thing that scares you or the thing that hurts you that thing you hid fomr ever one. THe thing that you're mask hids. (diffrent post) the thing you hate the tihng you dont think is unfair.
Some be asking cool nice story what do with anything you're crazy? I wont diny the fact I'm crazy i actually like that. Hears what I'm getting at. Im dylsexic and all thos nights igot mad aobut it one timeit became clear to me. If i wasnt dyslexic i woudnt know waht it was like to walk into a room and know you dont fit in. To sit with a group of peolpe and feal alone coues you fell liek you don't belonge. I realsed that if iwasnt dylseic i wouldn't have been able to tell people oh yeha i cna realt oh i knwo what that is like. Becoeu there are things i have strugeeld with tihngs i hurt with things that iahte that ahve killed me i can say oh i know what that feals like adn icna give someone soem oen to tlakto who might udnernst some of what they are saying some one who can show thme hay you cna make it through.
Hears waht im getting at. God ahs got a plane He didnt jsut throguh this at you and say ok um i inthk this will be relay cool to wach you strugil with He has got a plane. He has aperpos for ever opsticals oyu ahve in you're life a reason for it. I don't know what it is man i wish i did. But He promised He deos. This is my palne for you;re life. IT might be so His glory can shine through us like the blind man. "This is for My glory" Soemtimse God does tihngs in our lives to show us who He is show us howe grate He is. Adn toe riemtd us lean on ME im hear I'll always be ehar. Someof us (like me) are well stubern adn seomties the only wa for God to get our atteins is with oseiithg big. And i knwo that some timse i need got to through someitnhg in my face befor ilisten. Hay dude you're blind so i may be glorfied today. Hay you're ehaurting tso oyu leanr to dipend on me. HAy i did this so oyu knwo i am hear nad i care and im never leavin you
And someitmes God gives us pution thorns in our fleshg to remind us hay you're humman you need me. guess what i wnat you, but you need me. We need God. I know we go through life oh yeha im Big MAn (Woman) on Campis i rosk. Yeah oyu know what you got nothing God got everinthg ndont you evne start that man. God can turn i human into a salt piller i ant seen none of you all do that lattle now i have i. THe thing is you guys we cnat do tihs on our won i tried it and you knwo wahti got fomr it a nice asfalt burn fomr wehni crashed and BURNEd. YOU ARE HUMAN. You cant do it on oyu're won. MAn Paul didnt do it on his own. What youithnk you cna? No one is perfect and mabby that is why. MAbby that is the answer it is impoerfectoion the tihngs that hurt and Go d awt s us to lean o n HIm dipend on HIm and the thing is YOU ARNT GOD so you cant od it on you're own. IT sjtu dosnt wokr that way
You know lifeisnt awlays goingot work the way we want it. but i have ehard a quot beofr this isnt verbatum but any way "When life kiskes you down to you're knees you are in the perfect position to pray" Someimtes we ahve be on our knees befor we listne to GOd. Sometimes God sees in the futer im moving you cosue you need this perosn and this person needs you. And someitmes maggy jsut ambby God is saying lean on Me. Im the Rock im the umbrala in the rain. THe friends that enver leaves. THe love you always feal. Im the blanket on the cold days Someitmes Life donst seem dair, but realy who ever siad it was? LIfe is goingot hurt my friend. Life might kill soemtimse but whare you gona turn. Gone lean on you;re own strangth? OR stay on you're knees to pray? Gone keep dipeon on falty love? OR the love that cratedyou? Life iwll never be fair if it was wel lthey would call it........
Monday, February 23, 2009
Not Fair?
Posted by
The Unknown
6:18 PM
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